Suggested Hotels for Monkey Bowl 14The following hotels are listed in order of the preferences of the unofficial Monkey Bowl 14 hotel evaluator. All these hotels are visible from the I-24 Harding Place exit.
Drury Inn and Pear Tree Inn by Drury both offer a rate of $49.99, a flat rate for 1 to 4 people. They offer breakfast and are the nicest places in the Harding Place area. Both of these hotels are holding rooms; mention "Ultimate Frisbee" to get one of the rooms being held.
- Drury Inn: 615-834-7170
- Pear Tree Inn: 615-834-4242
Super 8 also offers breakfast. Nightly rate is $40, a flat rate for 1-4 guests.
- Super 8: 615-834-0620
Motel 6 on Metroplex Dr. Nightly rate is $29.99 + tax; $3 extra per person.
- Motel 6 on Metroplex Dr.: 615-833-8887
Motel 6 on Wallace Rd. Nightly rate is $35.99 for 2 people; $3 extra per person for more.
- Motel 6 on Wallace Rd.: 615-333-9933
Executive Inn Nightly rate is $28.25 for 2 people, $38.25 for 4
- Executive Inn: 615-834-0570
There is also an Econo Lodge in the area that has new jacuzzis.
- Econo Lodge: 615-833-6860
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This page maintained by Sarah Parsons -
sarbarpar@hotmail.comLast Updated 2/10/2002